Over the past few years, I’ve actually made the intentional move away from following primarily food blogs (which too often send me into that old comparison/jealousy/insecurity spiral, meh) and now find myself following bloggers in totally different niches — and it has been awesome. I have blog categories on Feedly for photographers I admire, cool people working for social justice, interesting perspectives on faith, DIY stuff I actually want to try, you name it! Mostly they’re just blogs that have nada to do with recipes, and I find that I look forward to reading them more than ever. But that said, the blogs in my reader that get the most clicks by a landslide are in my favorite category that I have oh-so-creatively named — get ready for it — “fun”. And they are just that — blogs I find fun! Some I have followed for years and years, some are pretty new to me. Some deal with 100% light and fluffy stuff, some dig a little deeper into the meat of life. Some of them share the most beautiful prose, some are random and chatty and full of incomplete sentences. But I love ’em all, and can genuinely say that I look forward to reading them most mornings (after I read The Skimm, of course, which I’m still obsessed with), and also genuinely admire each of the bloggers behind them. ♥ So if any of you are on the prowl for some new non-recipe blogs, I thought I’d share 7 of my favorites with you today. I’m guessing you’ll be familiar with a few, but I’m hoping there might be a few new gems in there for you to discover. And hey — if you have some favorites of your own, pretty please share them in the comments below, because I totally want to check ’em out. Have “fun”!
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